+966 503841801

+1 307 219 1824


Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm

Why Oceangull Financials?

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Experience & knowledge of GCC & Beyond

Our all Partners have spent more than five years with Big 4 Accounting Firms.

One of the Partners has spent five years (icluding 2 years with KPMG) in Middle East.

Have been working with various Middle East based firms and providing range of services (including but not limited to development of accounting manuals, policies and procedures, risk registers, internal audit programs, internal audit plans financial valuations, risk advisory and audit services).

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Expertise of working in different domains

Having worked in different domains e.g. business valuations, policies and procedures, accounting and financials reporting etc.

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Competitive pricing and high-quality service

Continued highly competitive rates and willing to invest to build long term relationship with your business.